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Campsite and Water Park

Discover the ultimate water park experience with streamlined
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  • discovery
  • agile Development
  • Scrum
  • 2019 - current


The success of an amusement park and campsite like Las Cañadas largely depends on its ability to attract and manage visitors efficiently. For this reason, it was necessary to develop an easy-to-use e-commerce system that presents the park's wide range of activities and services in an attractive and accessible manner.


There were a number of challenges that needed to be addressed to achieve a satisfactory experience. The main challenge was finding a way to efficiently manage the acquisition of visits and other activities in the park. To achieve this, a good user experience design was needed in the e-commerce, as the products offered had different configurations based on the calendar. The ability to clearly and efficiently communicate to the user the implications and conditions of their purchase was essential.

Another challenge was the integration of the revenue recorded in the e-commerce with the conventional park access flows, where customers can purchase tickets directly at the entrance to the facilities. To address this complexity, a comprehensive admission system was required that combined both sources of income, and also a control and analysis tool that allowed the organization to monitor and optimize the operation of the park in its entirety.


To address the aforementioned challenges, three complementary systems were developed that worked together to provide a satisfactory user experience and an efficient park management:

  • Ecommerce
      An intuitive and easy-to-use e-commerce system was designed, with the ability to show the park's offerings in a clear and efficient manner to the user. Additionally, the different product configurations based on the calendar were integrated, and clear and efficient communication of the implications and conditions of purchase was allowed.
top-nav and home
The design makes it easy to book camp activities online.
  • Admissions System
      An admissions system was implemented that integrated the revenue recorded through the e-commerce with the conventional park access flows, allowing for a unified management of visits.
Admision portal
Tools were designed to allow the monitoring of daily visitors to the facilities, taking into account their use in tablet devices for data verification tasks at all times within the park.
  • Administration Console
      An administration console was developed that allows orchestration and analysis of the park's operation in general, generating reports of all types and providing complete visibility of the income indicators and origin of visitors. With it, an efficient management of the campsite's daily operation was achieved.
Administration Console
Tools were integrated to collect and present data to optimize the operation of the camp.
Gantt chart
The Gantt chart for this project illustrates our Agile Development service, with each sprint broken down into three distinct phases: definition, implementation, and acceptance. Our collaboration with Las Cañadas has extended over years of close collaboration.


Some of the technologies and integrations
implemented in this project.
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The development of these systems allowed Las Cañadas to effectively tackle the challenges it faced in managing its park. This solution provides visitors with a simple and secure shopping experience. With complete control and real-time visibility of income and internal procedures, Las Cañadas is in a solid position to maintain the park's operations and provide a top-notch experience to its visitors. Undoubtedly, a necessary solution to meet the growing demand for its services.

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